I’m worried about my finances – where can I go from here?
There can be many areas of stress on any household budget. Our fixed rate mortgage coming to an end, utility bills going up, the unexpected repair or even those new school shoes for the start of term.
Whenever anyone gambles it will have an impact on their finances. When we spend money on gambling it means that we have less money to spend on other things.
If you’re finding that you’re struggling with money, you’re not alone – it’s estimated that up to one million women in Great Britain are currently at risk of experiencing harm as a result of their gambling and just under 70,000 women experiencing significant financial difficulties.
The thought of a win might feel like the solution to our financial problems, but we must be realistic about the chances of that happening. It is much more likely that we just get deeper and deeper into the financial black hole that we might be trying to win our way out of.
Worrying about money can put a huge strain on our mental health. We can often feel overwhelmed by our situation and find ourselves putting off dealing with issues or ignoring them, however by doing this, we could potentially be making the situation worse or have spent time worrying about something unnecessarily because we were unaware of the help available.
Our Money Guidance Service can help
Whatever financial situation you’re in; our Money Guidance Service factsheets could have the answer. With lots of helpful information, they can support you better understand your finances and the options available to you.
We’ve put together an easy guide to help you find the information you’re looking for quickly. Our Money Guidance Service Specialists (available in England, Wales and Scotland) are also on hand to provide tailored one-to-one money guidance and support.
We can work with you to:
- Take control of your gambling
- Understand your finances and spending habits
- Recognise triggers
- Address any financial issues you may have
- Put in place routines, barriers and boundaries
- Access finance management and self-exclusion tools.
If your gambling is having an impact on your finances and you feel like you’re unable to stop, it’s important that you reach out to seek support. To speak to someone, call our free Helpline 24/7 on 0808 8020 133 or click on the Live Chat option.
For further reading, take a look at our recent blog post on gambling and mental health, where you’ll also find a list of free support services and resources.
The National Gambling Helpline 24/7
Free information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling-related harm.
Freephone 0808 80 20 133, WhatsApp 020 3031 8881, or via online chat
Citizens Advice
Advice on employment, money, benefits and illegal money lending
GamCare’s Money Guidance Service
Self-help resources, tailored one-to-one financial guidance and support (England, Wales, Scotland)
Step Change
Debt advice, information and solutions
Talk Ban Stop
Self-exclusion and blocking tools
NI Direct (Northern Ireland)
Money, benefits, debt information and advice
Debt Advice, information and solutions
Debt support, money advice, life skills
Money Helper
Advice on all things money from Gov.uk
Trussell Trust
National network of foodbanks
Turn 2 Us
Benefits advice and calculator