GamCare Appoints New Board Members
GamCare has announced changes to its Board of Trustees, appointing three new members to form a Clinical Panel. Three existing Board members are now retiring.
Dr Emily Finch, Jill Britton and Anita Gundecha will join the Board to form a Clinical Panel overseeing the future development of clinical work in the organisation, alongside existing Board member Professor, Dr Jon Grant, from the University of Chicago.
Dr Emily Finch will chair the group. Dr Finch is a Consultant Psychiatrist with an extensive role as the Clinical Director of an NHS Addictions Group. Dr Finch is also an addictions clinician and experienced researcher, involved in addictions policy.
Ms Britton is Associate Director of joint commissioning at the Islington Clinical Commissioning Group. She has over 20 years’ experience in the drug and alcohol addiction sector, spanning practical national policy and in the last eight years, commissioning of services.
Ms Gundecha is Head of Community Adult Services for an NHS Trust, experienced in the governance of medicine management and managing addiction services, and is now responsible for strategic operational management across a diverse portfolio of community services.
Sir Ian Prosser, Chairman of GamCare, says: “GamCare has a strong history of providing the very best in clinical care for anyone affected by problem gambling. Together with Dr Jon Grant, these experts will add hugely to the ongoing development and governance of our clinical services.”
Susanna FitzGerald QC, Col Ian McRobbie OBE and Tom Kavanagh CBE are retiring from the Board.
Sir Ian says: “Ms FitzGerald QC has been a Trustee for 16 years, serving on the Board for most of GamCare’s existence, and adding great value with her extensive knowledge of the industry through her work.
Col McRobbie has been a Trustee for 11 years, and we are most grateful to him for serving as Treasurer and as Interim CEO previously.
Mr Kavanagh has been a Trustee for seven years, bringing considerable experience gained as Deputy Chief Executive at the Gambling Commission.
Between them these three directors have contributed an outstanding 33 years of service to GamCare. They have been most supportive of the charity and instrumental in helping it to become the foremost provider of support to problem gamblers in Great Britain. We are most grateful to them.”