Research Study: The Effect of Gambling Marketing and Advertising
GambleAware has funded a research project led by the University of Stirling to better understand the effect of gambling promotion on those who may have experienced problems with gambling or experienced mental health issues.
Update 20th February 2019 – please note that no further research participants are required at the moment.
Who is carrying out this research?
ScotCen Social Research is working in partnership with the University of Stirling. ScotCen is conducting focus groups as part of this research. ScotCen is an independent social research agency, and is an integral part of NatCen Social Research, Britain’s leading centre for independent social research. The research is being funded by GambleAware, an independent charity that funds research, education and treatment services to help to reduce gambling-related harms in Great Britain.
Why is this research being carried out?
This research is being carried out because there is limited research in the UK looking specifically at the effect of gambling promotion on those who may have experienced problems with gambling or experienced mental health issues. The findings from the research will be used to inform policy in this area in the future.
What’s involved?
For this stage of the project ScotCen are looking for people to take part in a focus group. This focus group will last approximately an hour and will be transcribed to aid analysis. Only the research team will have access to this recording.
Taking part is voluntary, and you won’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to. There will be no consequences if you chose not to participate. If you would like to take part in a focus group, please contact Hannah Briggs at [email protected].You can withdraw at any time without giving a reason.
Everyone who participates in a focus group will receive a £20 Love2Shop voucher as a thank you. This voucher cannot be used to purchase tobacco, alcohol or for gambling.
The date and time of the focus group will be agreed shortly.
Is the focus group confidential?
Yes. The information you give will be treated in the strictest confidence under the Data Protection Act 2018. The results collected are used for research purposes only and no one looking at the findings will be able to identify you in any way.
What will happen to any information I give?
The information you provide will be treated confidentially and used only for the purpose of the research described above. ScotCen will not pass your personal details to anybody without your permission, and will delete them on completion of the study unless you specifically agree otherwise.
Where can I find out more?
To find out more about the research or for any other queries, please email [email protected] or call 0131 240 0237.