Online Peer Support Service

Connecting with others through shared experiences can be a vital part of recovery for a lot of people.
GamCare recognises the importance of Peer Support in increasing well-being and supporting recovery. Experiencing gambling-related harms can be a lonely and isolating experience for many, the Online Peer Support Service aims to build hope, resilience, and connections for those accessing support.
Delivered by trained volunteers, who all have lived experience of gambling harms, the Online Peer Support Service pairs you with a volunteer for regular email support for up to 6 months. Our volunteers’ aim is to listen to your experiences, share their own experiences where helpful, help you navigate the support options available to you and support you to set and reach your short-term goals.
Who can access Online Peer Support?
The online Peer Support service is open to anyone aged 18 and above in England, Scotland, and Wales who is experiencing the impacts of gambling harms, either through their gambling or through the effects of someone else’s gambling.
Support can be provided for up to 6 months and you must be able to commit to regular contact with your volunteer and staff during this period.
What will email support look like?
Once paired with one of our volunteers you will receive regular email contact of up to 3 emails per week for up to 6 months. During the pairing volunteers can support with:
- Actively listening to your situation and your worries and concerns.
- Help you to set and work towards short-term goals.
- Signpost you to additional support available to you and help you navigate accessing support through GamCare or others within the National Gambling Support Network.
- Sharing resources and practical tools that might help support your journey.
The Online Support service is not available to provide:
- Crisis or emergency support
- Clinical or therapeutic support
- Advice or direction on what you should do. Our volunteers will use their own insights to guide and encourage you to make decisions.
If you need to discuss your needs or what alternative support is available you can speak to one of our Advisers on the National Gambling Helpline 24 hours a day.
How do I access the Online Peer Support Service?
You can self-refer into the Online Peer Support service using the referral form below. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss the service in more detail you can speak to one of our Advisers on the National Gambling Helpline.
Interested in becoming a volunteer? You can find out more about the role of an Online Peer Supporter here.